Music & Lyrics
When will your journey begin?
Ayahuasca Mamankuna
Em G; Am Em:
Em G; Am Em:
Em Bm; Em G Em:
Em Bm; Em G Em:
Ayahuasca Mamankuna; Shamuriririri
Ayahuasca Mamankuna; Shamuriririri
Cura cura cuerpecito; Cura cura espiritito
Limpia, limpia cuerpecito; Alalarai alairairairai
Chacrunita Mamankuna; Shamuriririri
Chacrunita Mamankuna; Shamuriririri
Cura cura cuerpecito; Cura cura espiritito…
Chuchuhuasi Mamankuna; Shamuriririri…
Limpia limpia cuerpecito; Cura cura espiritito…
Toma pende Mamankuna; Shamuriririri
Limpia limpia cuerpecito; Cura cura espiritito…
Camalonga Mamankuna; Shamuri ri ri ri…
Pinta pinta visionitas; Cura cura espiritito
Bobinsana Mamankuna; Shamuri ri ri ri…
Pinta pinta visionitas; Cura cura espiritito
Ushpawasha Mamankuna; Shamuri ri ri ri…
Danza danza delantito; Cura cura cuerpecito
Shiwuawuaco Mamankuna; Shamuri ri ri ri…
Ven te jaispah medecina; Cura cura espiritito
(Santa Maria…; Hongocitos…; Tobaquito…; Washumita/San Pedrito…; Sapotito…; Ibogito…; Peyotito…; Awa Awa…)
MP3 File:
02 Ayahuasca Mamankuna snippet-via Don Evangelino Muraray _El Canto del Tiempo_.mp3
Shamuankunay Kayarí
Dm Gm
Gm F
A Gm Dm
Dm F A
A C Dm
Shamuankunay kayarí
Kayarito mantainí
Mantai kuna kayarí
Kayarito mantainí
Mantai kuna kayarí
Kayarito mantainí
Mantai kuna kayarí
(alternate verse:)
Sonqorwasi shamurí; Mantai kuna kayarí
Kayarito mantainí; Curandero shamuri
Mantai kuna kayarí; Kayarito mantainí
Mantai kuna kayarí
11 Shamuankunay snippet-via Maria Cristina.mp3
Ayayayai Ayahuasca
Em, "
G , G Em...
Ayayayai Ayahuasca, Ayayayai Ayahuasca
Ayayayai Ayahuasca, Ayayayai Ayahuasca
(repeat 3x)
Ayayayai Anishipai, Ayayayai Anishipai
Ayayayai Anishipai, Ayayayai Anishipai
(repeat 3x)
Ayayayai cura curandera, Ayayayai cura curandera
Ayayayai cura curandera, Ayayayai cura curandera(repeat 3x)
MP3 File:
Soguita de flor azul
Soguita de flor azul
Limpia, limpita
Con tu poder
Chacrunita, mamankuna
Pinta mis visiones
Con tus colores
Quiero vivir
Libre como el viento
Y poder colar
Al firmamento
Quiero sentirme
En libertad
Quiero vivir
En libertad
Ayahuasca, mamankuna
Chacrunita, mamankuna
[Verse 2]
Soguita de flor azul
Limpia, limpita
Con tu poder
Chacrunita, mamankuna
Pinta mis visiones
Con tus colores
Quiero vivir
Libre como el viento
Y poder colar
Al firmamento
Quiero sentirme
En libertad
Quiero vivir
En libertad
Ayahuasca, mamankuna
Chacrunita, mamankuna
Madre Ayahuasca
Am Em G Am
F Am G Am
Am Em G Am
F Am G Am
Am Em G Am
F Am G Am
Am Em G Am
F Am G Am
Madre Ayahuasca aquí están tus hijos
hoy hemos venido para estar contigo.
Madre Ayahuasca curaciones pido
para mis hermanos que hoy están conmigo.
Madre Ayahuasca muéstranos caminos
pintando visiones con un buen destino.
Madre Ayahuasca muy agradecidos
santa medicina que cura la tribu
The Guardians
Am G Em
Am G Am
Em Am
Yanapumani quillarunani halaralalai halaralalai
Yanapumani quillarunani guardiancuna de la Selva
Guarda, Guarda, guarda nos 4x
Otorongoni quillarunani halaralalai halaralalai
Otorongoni quillarunani guardiancuna de los Bosques
Guarda, Guarda, guarda nos 4x
Lobotitoini quillarunani halaralalai halaralalai
Lobotitoini quillarunani guardiancuna de los Montes
Guarda, Guarda, guarda nos 4x
Gatomonteni quillarunani halaralalai halaralalai
Gatomonteni quillarunani guardiancuna de Las Sero
Guarda, Guarda, guarda nos 4x
Lagartitoini quillarunani halaralalai halaralalai
Lagartitoini quillarunani guardiancuna de Las Aguas
Guarda, Guarda, guarda nos 4x
Halaralalai halaralalai, halaralalai halaralalai, halaralalai halaralalai, halaralalai halaralalai
Condortitoini quillarunani halaralalai halaralalai
Condortitoini quillarunani guardiancuna de Los cielos
Guarda, Guarda, guarda nos 4x
Buho blancoini quillarunani halaralalai halaralalai
Buho blancoini quillarunani guardiancuna de La noche
Guarda, Guarda, guarda nos 4x
Aguilitoini quillarunani halaralalai halaralalai
aguilitoini quillarunani guardiancuna de Los aires
Guarda, Guarda, guarda nos 4x
Aggarnanquini quillarunani halaralalai halaralalai
Aggarnanquini quillarunani guardiancuna de Los Andes
Guarda, Guarda, guarda nos 4x
Kaya titoini quillarunani halaralalai halaralalai
Kaya titoini quillarunani guardiancuna de Los Tierra
halaralalai halaralalai, halaralalai halaralalai, halaralalai halaralalai, halaralalai halaralalai
Wayaitiray Sunarai (Calling Wind)
F, C;
Dm, C G;
(Dm, C GC GC GC)
Wairaitirai sunarai, sunarai yantín; (repeat)
Wairaitirai sunarai, sunarai yantín: (repeat)
(last time:) yantindidididididididididi
Chacrunita sunarai, sunarai yantín…
Ayahuasca, Algaroboi, Chuchuhuasi, Tomapende, Camalonga,
Chiwawasca, Bobinsana, Tierra tierra, Arco Iris, Oceano, Catarata,
Cordillera, MamaSelva, Lagunita, Pajaritos, Agilita, Miel de abeja,
Unã de Gato, Hierba Luisa, Pluma alta, Curandera, Ballenita,
Sapocito, Tiburone, Pececito, Jaguarcito, Anaconda, Aguas
(Sunnaray=Come resonate with me; Waira tira=wind;
Rayamama=Stingray; Bufeito=Dolphin; Algarobo=tree;
Catarata=Waterfall; Ballenita=Whale; Tiburone=Shark;
21 Wairaitirai Suntarai snippet-_.mp3
Canto de los Pajaros/Vuela Vuela/Calling Birds
Am G Am; Am G Am
Am C Am; Am C
Vuela vuela Suy Suy; (x2)
Vuela vuela Suy Suy; (2x high, 4x low)
Vuela vuela…Huanchacá/Mashakó/Tunchi/Palomita /Pica-
Huansinchiri Kahawah, familhante Kahawah
Guia guia kahawah, carabita kawah
Eji eji eji eji (Larga vista Kawa/Dia dia Kawa)
Fly, fly Humming-bird…/Quetzal/ Raven/
I call upon you, Bird Spirits; Watch over our families
Guide us, Watch over us daily with your far-seeing vision
20 Canto A Los Pajaros-Vuela Vuela snippet-via Don Evangelino Murayay _El Canto del Tiempo_.mp3
Tikunas/Calling Tribes Tribu-Tribu
G – Am G; Em G
C Am G Am –
C –
Am – C; CAm G Em
Am – C; CAm G Em
Am – C; CAm G Em
Am – C; CAm G Em
Em Am Amg Am
Tikuna Murayay, Murayay Murayay
Tikuna yadididididididididididi
Danza danza delantito
Tikuna yadidididididi
Limpia, limpia cuerpecito; Wankinsitoni
Tukuy tukuy yadidi; Almacita ni
Tukuy tukuy yadidi; Cuerpecito ni
Alaralaralarai alaralarai
Tribo Tribo Curacaimi; Shamuri riririri
Tikuna yadididididididididididi
Danza danza delantito
Tikuna yadididididididi
Limpia, limpia cuerpecito; Wankinsitoni
Tukuy tukuy yadidi; Almacita ni
Alaralaralarai alaralarai
Chama tribu curacaimi…; Chayahuita tribu curacaimi…
Witoto curacaimi…; Bora bora curacaime…
Huanibiza curacaimi…; Huitoto tribu curacaime…
Cotoauka curacaime…; Ashaninka tribu curacaimi…
Bora Bora tribu curacaimi…; Jívaro tribu curacaimi…
Cachinahua tribu curacaime…; Shipibo curacaime…
Machiguenga curacaime…; Piro Piro curacaime…
Ese eje curacaime…; Llamanagua curacaime…
Yawar Yawar curacaime…; Aguaruna ccuracaime…
Legitimos curanderosninini; nininininini nininini
Legitimos medicuinis ninini; nininininini nininini
Legitimos guerreritos ninini; nininininini nininini
Cura cura cuerpecitoninini; nininininini nininini
Cura cura almacita ninini; nininininini nininini
Entendiendo las lecçiones ninini; nininininini nininini
Legitimos geurreritos ninini; nininininini nininini
Enseñando medecina ninini; nininininini nininini
(Can call other tribes: Welsh; Hawai’ian/Menehune; Sapmi; Lakota; Jews;
Calling Tribes
Tribes of the Amazon
Powerful and mysterious
Dance forward, tribes dance on, dancing tribes yaririri
Cleaning, cleaning all the bodies, of my fellows yariri
Cleansing, cleansing yariri, cleansing, cleansing souls
Cleansing, cleansing yariri, cleansing bodies clean
AAlaralaralarai alaralarai; yadidididididididididi
Chief of the tribes, calling spirits yadidi
Calling spirits of the tribes yadididi
Dancing, tribes are dancing forth; Cleansing yadidididi
Cleaning cleaning all the bodies, of my fellow yadidi
Cleaning, cleaning all souls, yadidididi
Huanibiza I call your chief…; Bora bora I call your chief …
Cotoauka I call your chief…; Huitoto tribu I call your chief …
Cocama I call your chief…; Chayahuita I call your chieftess…
Ashaninka I call your chief…; Koto Auca I call your chief…
Bora Bora I call your chief…; Jívaro I call your chief…
Cachinahua I call your chief…; Shipibo I call your chief…
Machiguenga I call your chief…; Piro Piro I call your chief…
Ese eje I call your chief…; Llamanagua I call your chief…
Yawar Yawar I call your chief…; Aguaruna I call your chieftess…
Kashibo I call your chief…; Campa Campa I call your chief…
Calling, calling Chief of Tribes…
Legitimate healers ninini…; Legitimate doctors…
Legitimate warriors…; Cleansing body, cleansing soul
Understanding teachings…; Teaching medicine…
MP3 File:
18 Tukunas-Ikaro De Las Tribus snippet-via Don Evangelino Murayay _El Canto del Tiempo_.mp3
Supaymawa Wawainí
Dm -; F Gm F Dm
C Dm C F; Gm F Dm
Supaymawa Wawainí Carupini huakapún
Supai mahuahuaní; Carupini huakapún,Supai mahuahuaní; Carupini huakapún
Huantantanay campaná; Campanaya cáyamo
Huantantanay campaná; Campanaya cáyamo
SSupai mahuahuaní; Carupini huakapún
Supai mahuahuaní; Carupini huakapún
(“I sing this song for you Toé
Young spirit of the plants, this song is for you”)
MP3 File:
Mariri Icaro (De la Protección)
Dm F - Dm
F – Dm
Dm F Dm
Lupunita supay callampuntay mantay marirí
Lupunita supay callampuntay mantay marirí
Marirí marirí marirí
Irapay supay callampuntay mantay marirí…; Ashpasuri…;
Bobinsana…; Chiringa…; Ayahuasca…; Chacrunera (pinturera)…;
Chaliponga…;Huanilla…; Catahua… Chihuahuaco…; Tomapende…;
Aguaje…; Palmicha…; Wicungo…; Remocaspi…; Huachumita…;
Iboga…; Peyotito…; Hongocitos…; Sapotito…; Boa Boa…;
Otorongo…; Urcututo…; Yanguntoro…; Aguilita…; Condorcito…;
Lucero…; Quillaruna…; Chulla Chaqui…; Wiraqocha…;
Pachamama…; Taita Inti…;
(Lupunita with the tip of my tongue I call on your power…)
(Irapay=plant spirits; Ashpasuri=animal spirits; next 17=plants; Boa-
Condorcito=animals; Lucero=stars; Quillaruna=Moon; Last 4, Deities)
MP3 File:
06 Mariri Icaro (de la Proteccion) snippet-via Don Evangelino Murayay_0.mp3
Iwawaí (Song of the young jaguar)
Dm; C Dm F; Dm
Otorongo wawaí; Shinapuri kungi wawaí Iwawaí; Iwawaí, Iwawaí, Iwawaí, Iwawaí… Tibirungi wawaí…; Churichiyu wawaí… Ashpasuri wawaí…; Ayahuasca wawaí… Chacrunita wawaí …; Tabaquito wawaí… Paparuy, paparuy... (4 x); Wayruruy, wayruruy... (4 x) (Young Jaguar Spirit, take me with you; Take me while you roam and make me part of your kingdom. Como el otorongo cría a su pequeño; para que ande; qué estás mirando? As the jaguar(/deer/…) raises it’s little one; so that it walks; what are you looking at? Churichiyu=deer; Paparuy=ave=bird; Wayruruy=árbol=tree.)
MP3 File:
07 Iwawa_Canto Del Otorongo Joven_Paparuy snippet-via Don Evangelino Muraray.mp3
Chiri Chiri Sanangui
D; A D:
A D; A D:
A D; - A; D:
Chirichiri Chirichiri; Chirichiri Chirichiri
Chirichiri Chirichiri; Sanangui
Sanangui Sanangui
Aye ni ni ni ni ni; Aye nini ririri; Ayriririririri
MP3 File:
05 Chiri chiri Sanangui snippet-via Maria Cristina.mp3
Abrete Corazon--Open Your Heart
Capo V
C Am
F Maj7 C
G F Maj7 C
F maj7 G6
C Em F G
Em Am
F Maj7 G6
Ábrete corazón, __ábrete sentimiento
ábrete entendimiento, deja a un lado la razón
y deja brillar el sol escondido en tu interior
Ábrete memoria antigua escondida en la tierra
en las plantas, en el aire
Recuerda lo que aprendiste, bajo agua, bajo fuego
hace ya, ya mucho tiempo
Ya es hora ya, ya es hora __abre la mente y recuerda
como el espíritu cura, como el amor sana
como el árbol florece y la vida perdura (x2)
Open your heart
Open to your feelings
Open to your understanding
Leave reason to one side
And let shine the Sun
That is hidden within you
Aaaaa; Aaaaaaa…
Open up ancient memory
Hidden in the Earth
In Water, in Air
In plants, in Fire, in your body
It is time, Now is the hour to open your heart
And remember how Spirit cures
How love heals; How trees flourish and life endures
Open your wings, Breathe deeply
And lift yourself up to the sky
Look at the sun in front of you like eagles do
Have no fear, Trust in yourself
Trust in God; Trust in Life
MP3 File:
Ayahuasca Aymama
Ayahuasca aymama
Taki Taki muiky
Ayahuasca aymama
Taki Taki muiky
Cura cura Oiruna
Cuerpecito oiruna
Cura cura Oiruna
Cuerpecito oiruna
Chacrunita Aymama
Taki Taki Muiky
Chacrunita Aymama
Taki Taki Muiky
Cura cura Oiruna
Cuerpecito oiruna
Cura cura Oiruna
Cuerpecito oiruna
Bobinsana Aymama
Taki Taki Muiky
Bobinsana Aymama
Taki Taki Muiky
Cura cura Oiruna
Cuerpecito oiruna
Cura cura Oiruna
Cuerpecito oiruna
Gracias Padre
Gracias padre, gracia madre
Por el gran amor divino
Gracias padre, gracias madre
por el aire y por la vida
Soy arcilla entre tus manos
bacil hecha de barro
a tu image y semehanca
y con un soplo me dista la vida
Soy tu sombra y tus passos
Camino voy a tus regazos
Sempre te pido que en tus rezos
que no te olvides de mi familia
Agüita de puquio
Agüita de puquio te voy a dar
Agüita de puquio te voy a dar
Para que laves tu corazón
Para que limpias tu corazón
Agüita de puquio te voy a dar
Agüita de puquio te voy a dar
Para que laves tu corazón
Para que limpias tu corazón
Y en las noches de luna llena
En las noches de luna llena
Ayahuasquita tomare nos
Para curar nuestras víditas
Ya en las noches de luna llena
En las noches de luna llena
Ayahuasquita tomare nos
Para curar nuestras víditas
[Verso 2]
Cantemos, bailemos con alegría
Cantemos, dancemos con alegría
Dandole gracias a la tierra
Con las plantitas que nos curan
Ayahuasca Takimuyki
G (A G);
Em Bm;
Bm A G;
Em Bm (2nd: Em);
Ayahuasca Mama
Taki takimuyki
Chuyay chuyay hampipuyni
Miski ñuñu cuerpo chaita (x3)
Ayahuasca urku manta…; Ayahuasca rampi manta…
Ayahuasca curandera...; Ayahuasca chacrunera...
Ayahuasca lucerito manta...; Ayahuasca curandera manta...
Ayahuasca pinturera...; Ayahuasca sapi manta…
Ayahuasca shungocito manta…; Ayahuasca cogollito manta…
Ayahuasca cielocito manta…Ayahuasca tikunera…
***** (translation next page)
Ayahuasca I Sing to You
Mama Ayahuasca
I am singing to you
Your medicine is always clear
It leaves my body sweeter
Ayahuasca urku manta…
First blossom Ayahuasca…
Ayahuasca Healer…
Ayahuasca and Chacruna…
Starry Ayahuasca…
Ayahuasca, vision painter…
Roots of Ayahuasca…
Heart of Ayahuasca…
Ayahuasca flowers…
Celestial Ayahuasca…
Ayahuasca of the tribes…
MP3 File:
04 Ayahuasca takimuyki-via Diego, Jarah y Milagros.mp3
Canto Enamorado/ Aguile, Aguila
F Gm;
F Gm Dm;
Dm F Dm; F Dm F;
C Dm C Dm;
Dm F;
Dm F Dm;
Dm F;
Dm F;
Dm F Dm;
Desde lejos; desde lejos oigo
El canto enamorado de un pájaro
Este pájaro es mi abuelo
Es mi abuelo que canta
Que canta enamorado
Canta, canta, canta…
In the distance; In the distance, listen:
The passionate singing of a bird
This bird is my grandpa
It’s my grandpa who is singing
Singing with affection
(Adjidah=original ancestor/Grandpa of all)
MP3 File:
03 Canto Enamorado-Adjidah snippet-via Ben Giles.mp3
Gayatri Mantra
Dm Am Bb
C Dm Am Bb
C Dm
Am Bb C Dm
Om bhur buvah svaha
Tat Savitur varenyam
Bhargo Devasya dhimahi
Dhiyo yonah prachodayath
(Gayatri=Brahma’s consort: a universal mantra praising entire creation and connecting to greatest Light: “Let us call the oneness of all creation of the physical earth=bhur, the astral=buvah, and the high spiritual world=svah. All this=tat comes from the One Light=Savitur that we choose to worship =varenyam. Let’s meditate=dimahi about the beaming=bhargo Divine Light=Devasya. We pray=prachodayath instantly=yonah for the enlightenment of our spirit=dhiyo.)
MP3 File:
67 Gayatri mantra-via album _Ecstacy_ Fire of Devotion.mp3
I Am Light
D - G A
D - G A
D - G A
- G A Bm
- G A Bm
- G A Bm Em7 A
D - G A...
I Am Light, I Am Light
I Am Light, I Am Light
I Am Light, I Am Light
I am not the things my family did
I am not the voices in my head
I am not the pieces of the brokenness inside
I Am Light…I Am Light
I'm not the mistakes that i have made
Or any of the things that caused me pain
I am not the pieces of the dream I left behind
I Am Light…I Am Light…
I am not the color of my eyes
I am not the skin on the outside
I am not my age, I am not my race, My soul inside
Is all Light...All Light…All Light…All Light
I am divinity defined
I am the God on the inside
I am a star, a piece of it all
I Am Light
MP3 File:
India.Arie - I Am Light (Lyric audio).mp3
Dm Am G
Dm Am G
Dm Am G
F Am F am G
F Am F Am
F Am F Am G
Om Gam Ganapataye Namaha Om Gam Ganapataye Namaha
Om Gam Ganapataye NamahaOm Gam Ganapataye Namaha
Om Gam Ganapataye Namaha Om Gam Ganapataye Namaha
Om Gam Ganapataye Namaha Om Gam Ganapataye Namaha
Om Gam Ganapataye Namaha
Open the way for my life to flow free
Clear the illusion that I may see
A luminous path of harmony
Every step a note in the symphony
We're dancing divine destiny
Weaving our prayers in the tapestry
Om Gam Ganapataye Namaha Om Gam Ganapataye Namaha
Om Gam Ganapataye Namaha Om Gam Ganapataye Namaha
Om Gam Ganapataye Namaha Om Gam Ganapataye Namaha
Jaya Ganesha, Jaya Ganesha Jaya Ganesha,
Jaya Ganesha Jaya Ganesha, Jaya Ganesha
Om Gam Ganapataye Namaha Om Gam Ganapataye Namaha
Om Gam Ganapataye Namaha Om Gam Ganapataye Namaha
Om Gam Ganapataye Namaha Om Gam Ganapataye Namaha
Om Gam Ganapataye Ganapataye Om Gam Ganapataye Ganapataye
Om Gam Ganapataye Ganapataye Om Gam Ganapataye Ganapataye
Om Gam Ganapataye Ganapataye Om Gam Ganapataye Ganapataye
Open the way for my life to flow free
Clear the illusion that I may see
A luminous path of harmony
Every step a note in the symphony
We're dancing divine destiny
Weaving our prayers in the tapestry
Jaya Ganesha, Jaya Ganesha Jaya Ganesha, Jaya Ganesha Jaya Ganesha, Jaya Ganesha
Om Gam Ganapataye Namaha Om Gam Ganapataye Namaha
Om Gam Ganapataye Namaha Om Gam Ganapataye Namaha
Om Gam Ganapataye Namaha Om Gam Ganapataye Namaha
Om Gam Ganapataye Namaha Om Gam Ganapataye Namaha
Om Gam Ganapataye Namaha Ah-ah-ah-ah
Ide Were Were
Am G; F/C
Am G; C F
Dm G; C F
Dm E E7
Ide were were nita Oshun; Ide were were
Ide were were nita Oshun; Ide were were nita ya
Ocha kiniba, Nita Oshun; Cheké, Cheké, Cheké
Nita ya, Ide were were
(From the Yoruba of Nigeria, dedicated to Oshun, the Goddess of Love. It
speaks of a necklace as a symbol of initiation into love.)
MP3 File:
12 Ide Were Were-trad. African chant via Siya Bonga.m4a
River Is Flowing
Dm; Gm Dm Dm; C Dm F Dm; C Dm F Dm; C Dm
The river is flowing; flowing and growing The river is flowing; down to the sea Mother carry me; Your child I will always be Mother carry me; down to the sea (alternate lyrics:) Sun is rising, warming and shining; Sun is shining radiant Light Brother Shine in me; your child I will always be Brother Shine in me; fill me with Light Mist it is forming, rising and flying Mist it is rising up to the sky (Mother carry me...up to the sky) Water drops are forming; clouds are gathering Rain is falling down to the Mountain (Mother carry me...down to the Earth)
MP3 File:
34 River Is Flowing via Sara Rain.m4a
Return Again
Am Dm; Am Dm Am Dm C E Am Am Dm Am Dm Am Dm Dm C E E7
Return again, Return again Return to the land of your soul (repeat 2 lines) Return to what you are Return to where you are Return to who you are Born and reborn again
MP3 File:
33 Return Again snippet-Rabbi Schlomo Carlebach via David Zeller _Path of the
Sirenita bobinsana
C G B7 Em, G B7 Em, C G B7 Em , G B7Em ....
Sirenita del los rios danza danza con el viento (2x)
Con tus flores y aromas perfuma los corazones (2x)
Cura cura cuerpecito limpia limpia spirititu (2x)
Cantaremos icaritos, abuelita curandera
Danzaremos muy juntitos, sirenita bobinsana
dei dei da dei da dei da (2x)
nai nai na nai na nei na (2x)