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Please help us protect our beloved Mother's House,

the place that we call home.
















Mother's House needs to raise €1.200.000 to secure the vision and the house




What is Happening?

5 years ago I was asked to be the guardian to a magnificent piece of sacred land with a beautiful mansion to take care of.

A vision that came through 7 years ago.

After connecting to the Sacred plants in the Amazon Jungle, the path became illuminated and we were allowed on the land.

To create a safe space for contemplation, healing and community.

Mother’s House was born and the family started growing. I founded The Medicine Tribe to organise & plan the retreats, Mother's House became our home, as it became a home to the people that co-create with Mother's House. 

The whole team has been giving everything to create the sacred space that it is now.

The initial downpayment to buy the House was made before the pandemic started and all of the money generated from the retreats and co-creations have gone into paying rent & restoring and maintaining the house that needed the renovations to be able to host these transformational retreats there. 


I have had trust that we would be able to make the full payment for the house ourselves, but as my business partner has decided to pull back for personal reasons, I realise that this is a place of community and that this is what is should always be.

That it should be carried by people that have a heart for this community, the house and/or this work.


We will be setting up a foundation that will buy and own the property, making sure Mother's House will be here for generations to come. 

Securing and protecting indigenous and cultural wisdom, knowledge, rituals and teachings. The teachings of the earth and the heavens. A place for contemplation, community and transformation.


What is the plan?

  • Set up a foundation for protecting, preserving indigenous cultural practise, knowledge and rituals (We are in the process of doing this)

  • Set up a GoFund me and Gather donations and loans from the people that feel connected to Mother's House, The Tribe and or this work.

  • The foundation will buy the Property with the money raised by the community

  • The Foundation will continue to raise funds to grow stronger roots, For renovations and innovations that are needed to make the house more sustainable, investing in co-creation and protecting indigenous teachings, for research, for giving back to the earth and for helping those in need.

  • Create sponsored retreats (i.e. veterans/research retreats, teachers/first responders retreats)

  •  Offering continued training to learn deeper.

  •  Expand and grow the community, empowering all that step on the land, creating opportunities for growth and development in all areas


How can you help?

  • Providing us with a loan for the full or a partial amount (Short or long term)

  • Share your talents and gifts. ( All ideas are welcome in helping us secure the house)


  • Register for one of our retreats, workshops or training (even if we are not able to raise the entire amount we will at least be there until the end of the year as we have a rental agreement)


  • Writing us a review or recording a testimonial


  • Come visit us at Mother's House and see if there is any indigenous artisan you might like to buy, so we can continue supporting the families in Peru and Brasil


  • Share this message with the people you know


  • Your blessings and prayers are valued so much.

Together we can do this.



From the bottom of my heart I am calling in people that want to help, from their hearts in whatever way shape or form.


































Or through PayPal here...


If you would like to read more about the path I am walking and the vision that came through, then you can do so below.

Grab a cup of Tea, it is a long one ;-)

The unfolding

Mother's House 

5 years ago I was asked to be a guardian to a beautiful piece of sacred land with a beautiful mansion to take care of. A vision that came through 7 years ago. Creating a safe space for contemplation, healing and community.


Mother’s House was born ( and the family started growing. The whole team has been giving everything to create the sacred space that it is now.

Thousands of people have had healing expansive and transformational journeys with The Medicine Tribe or any of the other co-creators that facilitate retreats at Mother’s House.

We have been completely non-profit with every penny made, going back into developing and maintaining the house, towards helping the indigenous families we work with in Peru and Brasil, giving back to Mother Earth and towards the people who need the healing but can’t afford it.


The tribe has expanded massively with people that devote their lives to their own growth and development and in that way holding space for others to do the same, not just in the core of our tribe, but in all participants that found that light within themselves and are shining the light for others to find their way .

At Mother’s House we believe, you are the medicine and you already have everything you need inside of you.  

Mother’s house aims at helping others grow within themselves, amplifying their gifts and sometimes even creating a business connected to Mother’s House.


About us 

The whole team working at Mother’s house has or is in the process of transforming their lives to be at better service to themselves, others and the greater cause. We all have some sort of an income besides the ‘work’ at Mother’s House to make sure we never ‘have’ to do a retreat, to be able to support ourselves.

We want to keep the foundation non-profit and always be a lighthouse to the people that need it.


Meet the team

​Thom has been with us from the start and is our Oak (stable, rooted) energy.  A percussion octopus in ceremony, together with Lavinia ,his partner and their dog/baby Bacon, they have a love for growing organic fruits and vegetables and then cooking the most delicious meals with them. We have started our vegetable patch at mother’s house last year and this year fruit trees will be planted as soon as the weather allows it.   Lavinia has started her business in sacred incense. She has studied the different cultures and found out what herbs and incense they used for healing, clearing and protecting. She has re-created the blends according to the ancient recipes and sells them at Mother’s House and in her online store. They are in the process of moving closer to mother’s house to manage the gardens and the produce coming of the land.   Dylan has opened his heart to being at service and does this through creating healing sounds with the many instruments he has as his allies. A bodyworker at heart too and always open to help where needed.   Jop who has been working with us for a few years, has transformed his life through different retreats and has given up the job that got him burned out and started his company Wakan Tanka: Sweatlodges, breathwork, coaching and more… Our dear Milou, partner of Jop, cooks amazing healthy food, works with hypnotherapy and meditation for preparation and integration and they both are the amazing parents to our medicine baby Indi with another on the way❤️   Naomi has given up her security working for a company and started her own tattoo temple in Breda after discovering she needed more freedom to do things that align with her heart. She is a medicine woman at heart and touches you deeply with the sound of her voice. Together with Mestizo maestro Moises she is building Madre selva retreat center in the jungle of Peru. Where you can diet the sacred Master-Plants.   Tatjana trusted her intuition, quit her stressful job as a manager at big company and followed her dream becoming a coach that works therapeutically with horses and personal development and is a ceremony guide in our retreats. She brightens up the world with her smile and energy.   Joey is training to be a firekeeper and spaceholder and works in the sweatlodge rituals together with Jop. Always helping out when we have community days where we work on the land and the house. Together with his fiance Petra they are parents to our beautiful medicine baby Stevie.   Chiri and Marleen support Mother’s House with their shamanic drumbuilding workshops, guidance in ceremony and helping on the grounds, setting up Yurts and Tipi’s. Chiri a sound master at heart has blessed us with allowing us to record our songs in his home studio. Marleen can do anything it seems, you can find her in the forrest looking for treasures to add to the drums she makes or she is setting up a yurt, you never know.    Romany has just become a mother to our dear medicine baby Eleanor. Shas a great connection to ancient egypt and the healing modalities that come with that. She has a special talent for social media communications and will be focussing her energy on that for Mother’s House   Venus is our medicine sister who divides her time between the Uk and Egypt. Organising pilgrimages to Egypt, including private pyramide and temple visits. She is an Egyptian goddess that teaches astrology and helps people in finding connection in their partner through relational therapy.    Dani our medicine brother who teaches the Siddha Kundalini crystal grid courses is in Israel right now keeping his family safe. He has devoted his life to being at service and spreading the wisdom of ancient India and the power of symbols and crystals. ​ And then there is me, Tamara  I have devoted my life to being at service to spirit, no matter how it manifests, through the medicines i work with, the people i meet or the earth i walk upon. Through dealing with my own tidal waves in life, leaving the corporate world and my stressful life behind 5 years ago, I aim at providing a lifeline and a smile to those in need. Witnessing the transformation in the people on the retreats, fills my heart. Being able to do this at this location with the 'Dreamteam' makes my heart overflow. As a former nurse i can look through different lenses as a facilitator bridging the indigenous teachings from the studies in the jungle with the western therapies i was trained in in Holland. Always keeping an open mind and heart for new old ways. Through singing i transform my fears and i love to spark others to find their own medicine. ​

Co-creations & Connections 

In the past 5 years there have been many indigenous elders, healers, facilitators and musicians from different countries and different cultures who have shared their knowledge and teachings with us at Mother’s House. Teachings we share during the retreats. We build bridges between different indigenous tribes in south America letting them work together and inviting them into our space of western knowledge, so we can all learn and grow from each other.


We create space for science and western medicines & teachings. We host and are part of workshops organized together with ICEERS to inform people about the use of psychedelic substances, what benefits they have and what it takes to be able to work with these substances safely.


We work together with researchers from different universities in Holland, the UK and the US helping them prove the benefits of these substances. And making them available for the people that need them.

The work with psychedelics  (f.i. psilocybin truffles/mushrooms) have changed and saved many lives. And it is so important we can keep doing this work in these times.

See some of the scientific research on psychedelics here:



This year Mother’s house has planned the first spaceholders courses with professionals from all across the world and workshops for people who feel the call to work with these substances and to be able to hold safe space energetically and physically, for themselves initially and others eventually, so more people can transform their pain and live their best potential.


This land holds the energy of all of that.



What am I calling for?


I am calling in people that want to help out, from their hearts in whatever way shape or form.


The initial downpayment to buy the House was made before the pandemic started and all of the money generated from the retreats and co-creations have gone into paying rent, restoring and maintaining the house that needed the renovations to be able to host these transformational retreats there. 

We have transformed the pool area into a beautiful ceremony space and created more bedrooms and outdoor areas.

I have had trust that we would be able to make the full payment for the house ourselves, but as my business partner has decided to pull back for personal reasons, it is up to me and the tribe to continue this vision. I realise that this is a place of community and that this is what is should always be. That it should be carried by people that have a heart for this community, the house and/or this work.

We will be setting up a foundation that will own the property, making sure Mother's House will be here for generations to come. 

Securing and protecting indigenous and cultural wisdom, knowledge, rituals and teachings. The teachings of the earth and the heavens.


There are so many amazing things planned Mother’s House, that is it hard to imagine having to leave this place.


So here i am, in humbleness asking for help… which for most of my life i have been working very hard at not having to do, always being able to provide for myself and my family. 

Going from hardly ever asking for help to asking for this huge amount of help is quite the process and exactly what is necessary in practising what I preach. This assignment of Spirit is too big for me alone and i need your help to be able to keep realising the vision that came through 7 years ago.

Mother’s House and the work we do have become my life and a very big part of the lives of the people at the center of this tribe.

I can’t imagine not being able to do this work with these beautiful people at this magical location.


Whatever the challenge, we won’t be moved from our purpose.



If you have met me, you have felt me, and the passion I have for this vision and the path that comes with it. If you have the opportunity to donate and help me build that solid foundation Mother's House is in need of, I will be immensely grateful. The world needs more sanctuaries for humanity to connect with nature and themselves. You can be a part of the creation of this one .


You can donate through this link:



With gratitude and blessings,


& Team                                              

              or through PayPal here

The Woodlands

The Sauna

The Jacuzzi

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